How can my employee or VA/Virtual Assistant check eligibility to sell using SAS?
_ To give access to another member of your team, you will need to provide them with access to your Seller Central account. Grant ...
What browser does SAS use?
_ The SAS Web App and Chrome Extension require full version of Google Chrome. SAS is not compatible with Chrome derivatives like Chromium or ...
How do I access the SAS Chrome extension?
_ Visit to download the extension. Visit our Resources page to check out how to get started with the tool. _ ...
How do I access the SAS Android or iOS Mobile App?
_ You can download the app at or and log in using your credentials when you activated your account. Use our Resource ...
I’m on a Getting Started package and it says I have no lookups left – how do I fix this?
_ The monthly 1000 lookup count for Getting Started subscriptions resets either on billing date (for monthly customers), or on the 1st of month ...
My card has been declined at signup – how do I fix this?
_ There's a variety of reasons for the "Your card does not support this type of purchase" or "transaction not allowed" error occurs. We ...