Quick View Simplified is a new Chrome extension from SellerAmp to quickly see key product details directly on the Amazon search page — ASIN, BSR, variations, FBM & FMA sellers, if Amazon is on the listing and more.

Save time sourcing profitable products with QVS by SellerAmp. There is no need to go to the individual product pages when researching products.

Features Quick View Simplified:
– Product ASIN — quick copy to clipboard
– Shows if Amazon is on the listing
– Count of FBA and FBM sellers
– Number and details of variations on the listing
– Best Sellers Rank (BSR)
– First review
– Full product details, by hovering over the info icon on the image.

How it works
– With the QVS Chrome extension installed, the product details will display right on the search page. Hover over the info icon to see even more detail.

What Amazon marketplaces does it work on?
– US, UK, Canada. France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

QVS in the Chrome Store