We’re always looking for ways to do better and after listening to your feedback, we’ve made some exciting updates to the Settings section of SellerAmp SAS. Check out the changes now to ensure your settings are fully optimized for your business!
My Profiles
The main change we’ve implemented is that now all users with a Getting Serious subscription (annual or monthly) can have additional Profiles. This means you can have up to 5 profiles tailored to give you different analytics, depending on what you need! Switch between configured presets depending on marketplace, selling and buying settings and panel visibility.

The next change is that a few fields under User Details will now be found in the Account section (previously called Subscription) of SAS, rather than Settings. Specifically: Username (which will no longer be editable), Email, Subscription and Password.

In an effort to keep the app organised and clutter free, the Settings page is now split into three sections – Profiles, General and SAS Panels. The latter two views can be selected using the tabs labelled 2 and 3, shown in the image below.

An added bonus included in this update is that now any changes you make save automatically! No more wondering if you clicked the Save button or frustration when you realize you forgot to before closing, any changes you make to your settings are saved immediately.
As always, our dedicated support team are available to help with any questions you might have with this update (or anything else!). Just drop an email to support@selleramp.com and we’ll get right back to you.